Alkaline/Acidic Food Chart
I ate 80% alkaline food and 20% acidic foods until my psoriasis cleared. Then I ate 60% alkaline food and 40% acidic food to maintain my cle
Psoriasis Foods - What heals!
It should be easy, shouldn't it? Just downloading a food chart of all the perfect foods to heal your psoriasis. But it isn't that easy....
Pumpkin, Peas, Spinach Sage Risotto - For Healthy Skin
Sometimes you just have to share a recipe you find. This one was in my little local newspaper up here in the far north of New Zealand. A won
Kale Chips - The perfect alkaline snack!
So why Kale? I could say it is because of all the wonderful health benefits (of which there are many) but really it's because it is the...
Quick Alkaline snacks
OK. So you need to eat NOW! I know that feeling. The problem is, that is when we tend to grab "no-no" foods. And we all know what...